It is possible to make a road accident compensation claim with the Insurance Commission of Western Australia if:
Unless you make a dependency claim in relation to a road fatality it is not otherwise possible to make a road accident compensation claim unless you suffered a physical or mental injury.
At common law, a person cannot receive damages in tort for the death of another person. In 1846, to remedy this issue the English parliament enacted legislation widely known as ‘Lord Campbell’s Act’. In 1846, Western Australia introduced Lord Campbell’s Act and this formed the basis of the Fatal Accidents Act 1959 (WA) ("the Act").
If you are a relative of a fatally injured road user and you were financially dependent on the deceased, you may be able to make a dependency claim.
The Act defines the term 'relative' as:
(a) a person who immediately before the deceased’s death was —
(i) the spouse of the deceased; or
(ii) a de facto partner of the deceased who was living in a de facto relationship with the deceased and had been living on that basis with the deceased for at least 2 years immediately before the deceased died;
(b) any person who was the parent, grandparent or step parent of the deceased;
(c) any person who was a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, stepson or stepdaughter of the deceased;
(d) any person to whom the deceased person stood in loco parentis immediately before the death of the deceased;
(e) any person who stood in loco parentis to the deceased person immediately before his death;
(f) any person who was a brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister of the deceased person; and
(g) any person who was a former spouse or former de facto partner of the deceased person whom the deceased was legally obliged, immediately before his or her death, to make provision for with respect to financial matters.
By making a dependency claim you can be awarded compensation for:
In many cases, where an innocent victim is injured in a car accident, the vehicle in which the injured person was traveling is damaged. As explained above, the injured road user may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation as long as a totally or partially negligent road user was involved in the accident.
If your vehicle was damaged by a partially or completely negligent road user you may also be able to make a claim for the damage caused to your vehicle via their property damage insurer. This claim process can, however, be confusing to those who have not had to negotiate the system previously.
If your vehicle has been damaged by a negligent driver don’t panic and simply follow these steps:
Ideally, if your vehicle is damaged in a road accident by a negligent driver you can lodge a claim with the negligent driver's vehicle insurance provider. The insurer will first make an assessment as to which party was fully or partially liable for the accident. If the insurer finds that the other driver was partially or fully responsible for the accident they will make you an offer to compensate you for the assessed value of the damage to your vehicle.
Agreeing to a final amount of damages to be paid by the insurer is done through a process of informal negotiation between you and an insurance assessor or claims manager. If you do not agree with the assessment or the offer of damages you could request that your claim is reassessed by the insurer. Failing this, you may need to contact a commercial lawyer specialising in property damage to ascertain whether it would be commercial to take legal action to recover the damages against the insurer.
In Western Australia, motorists are not required to hold compulsory property damage insurance over their vehicles. This leaves the vehicle owner with the choice to take out full comprehensive car insurance, third party property insurance or no property damage insurance at all.
If a negligent driver damages your vehicle but does not have any property damage insurance you have a legal right to claim damages against the driver. If a legal action is brought and won against the at fault driver they will be ordered by the court to pay damages to you.
If you are injured in a road accident and are eligible to make a motor vehicle personal injury claim and a claim for property damage we strongly advise that you obtain legal advice from a specialist personal injury lawyer. In these circumstances, an issue estoppel can arise when one set of facts exist, a decision is made by a court regarding those facts and then a plaintiff attempts to make another claim based on the same set of facts. Here for example, a property damage claim could be settled in regards to a particular accident and this could estop the plaintiff from bringing a personal injury claim in regards to the same accident.
If a loved one has died in a motor vehicle accident and you relied on that person for financial support you may be able to make a claim for compensation. We will provide you with support, information and assistance to help you deal with this very traumatic event.
Although we do not provide legal advice on property damage issues, we have a trusted network of legal practitioners to whom we may be able to refer you to for such assistance.
Dependency compensation claims should be made as soon as possible after the death of your loved one and delay can negatively impact on the success of the claim, so please call us now for assistance.